Online Auto Museum

Pierce-Arrow Model 36-UU Five-Passenger Touring, 1912

St. Michaels Concours d'Elegance, 2011

Owner: Bill Alley | Greensboro, Vermont


Some older perspectives here, but dusky light works perfectly to create a strobe-filled studio effect. Thank E for a couple chopped perspectives and the singular Pierce nameplate that provides the background for our main studio image. Reviving this small set of photographs proved a lot of fun, with results I expected would turn out vibrant. For no better reason than the colors, I like this Pierce-Arrow. The owner, Mr. Alley, well known for his care of brass era cars, wandered close around the car as we passed by and chatted with others. Over the years we've seen a fair number of his automobiles, two of which join this portfolio—the 1912 Model 36-UU and 1906 Model 28-32NN Great Arrow.

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► Image Source: Nikon D200 (10.2 MP) | Image Source 2 and 4 by E., illustration by the author. Photo 2 canvas finished at 11 MP.


  • Ralston, Marc. "Pierce-Arrow" A.S. Barnes & Co., Inc., San Diego, CA. 1980, page 64-65, 231
  • Ralston, Marc. "Pierce-Arrow, The Golden Age" Jostens Publications, Clarksville, TE. 1984, page 33, 52


Last Updated: Mar 26, 2025